I LOVE FOOD!!!!!!! Sorry, had to get that off my chest. ;) It is an absolutely beautiful day. Blue skies, lovely breeze, and I have the house opened up so I can feel the air and hear the sounds of spring. You know what I'm talking about; the way the palm fronds sound when the breeze hits them, the birds, the kids playing outside and dogs barking in the back round somewhere in the neighborhood.
I know, I know. You are asking "Just what does this have to do with food"? Nothing really, just wanted to put that in here. (hehe) See, I have taken over my husband's home office. It's in the front of the house, with a big bay window and two smaller ones facing the street. I'm surrounded by cookbooks and notes all over my desk, the two small dogs in the chairs and the big one on the floor by me, my never-ending coffee cup, and I love it!!! God has really blessed my life!!!
I'm planning a menu for a couple of my clients, and the more I'm doing, the more I just want to put everything aside and go in the kitchen and start cooking. Too bad no one is here to eat. I have the best time cooking when people are in the house and sitting at the bar talking to me while I cook. If I can teach them something, even better. In case you are wondering, some of the items on the menu are: onion-stuffed beef kefta, grilled pork tenderloin with shallot sauce, a cucumber and tomato riata and a dark chocolate mousse. Sounds YUMMY, right !?!
Now, as some of you know, I will be leaving in just over a month to go to JAPAN!!!! I suppose it would be wrong to take pictures of all the food I'm going to eat; maybe I'll just photograph some of the really pretty dishes. That said, it is my goal to see how many new dishes I can come home and re-create. Look out family...this means you will have to try them; so unless some of the chef's are willing to just hand over their recipes, this could be disastrous. LOL Now, the food picture is what you actually see outside a lot of the restaurants over there. They are plastic renditions (which is great for those of us that cannot remember our Japanese). Worse case, you take the waiter/waitress to the front and point to what you want. Yes, I did this when my family lived over there. So instead of feeling embarrassed, I just look at it like I'm entertaining them.

Now, on to the more mundane things in life. I have to rearrange some things in the kitchen to put away my groceries from last night. Happy eating everyone!!!!
Yes, I said it. Yay for mess-ups! That's been the theme over the last week or so, at least when it comes to my cooking. I have couple new dishes that resulted from something going wrong with my original planned meal.
Now, to see if I can duplicate that without making the prior mistakes will be my challenge. Wonder if I should start writing these things down as I go (say the voices in my head), but that would just be the grown-up, responsible thing to do. Just ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you I am about as far from that person as you can get. ;) That's alright though, it makes living with me an adventure.
Hmmmm..debating about fessing up to the botched cooking...ah, what the heck. You see, my daughter was grilling a piece of chicken on the Foreman (after I told her the marinade she was using would be fine since it was fat-free). Needless to say, it wasn't as 'fine' as I said. Forgot about the fat-free part, and her chicken burned the outside and left the inside raw. So what's a good mom to do? She gives her a piece with a little 'fat' added back into the marinade to start over, leaving me trying to figure how to salvage the other. Thus, a new chicken with creamy tomato sauce was born.
Now, there was nothing quite so dramatic as that for the new meatball recipe. Only the fact that I cannot seem to read a recipe correctly, and didn't get everything I needed before I left the house. Either way, a little change up of ingredients and viola....a new meatball recipe. Seemed to go over pretty well. I think Jesse like it too! (which is good since I don't really care for it, but that's the way it is with many things I make).
So here's a toast *clink* to more cooking mishaps. ;)