Sunday, December 19, 2010

You need to get your negative emotions straight ;)

     Another quote from Jesse this morning.  As we're having breakfast with dad, I asked Jesse to pray so we can start eating.  Well, he did, and I decided I would tease him and say he was mean for  not praying for me to feel better.  (for those that don't know, I've been sick for a few days now)  Anyhow, I should know I only set myself up for these things, but that always seems to come in hindsight.  He then told me I need to get my negative emotions straight, he was not mean, just thoughtless and inconsiderate...mean would be if he prayed for me not to get better or to get worse. LOL   Hard to get annoyed when your laughing.

     This is what I love about my husband.  No matter how bad I feel, he always makes me laugh.  Add dad to that equation (he's just an older version of Jesse), and sometimes your food gets cold because you're laughing too much to eat.  Meal times in the Perkins' household are always and event.  Whether we are eating at our house or next door at mom and dad's, with Amber and Justin with us, meals are a lot of fun. When Stefani and Ellanna are added to that mix (which will happen in a few days...YAY!!!), just get ready.  :)

     This is what I feel meals are for.  Families gathering to share stories, laughs and to pick on each other.  We go through the days with enough stress and worries...meals should be a no-stress/worry-free zone.  I can say that, but if you ask my girls, they'll just say I'm the opposite.  I worry and stress over meals and my kitchen.
I say it depends on your view.  Either way, meals are for families and fun, and I say the more the merrier (that includes food and people).

     Think I need to start something new, too.  When you come for a holiday meal, bring your to-go containers.  Less mess for me to clean up, and less room I have to make in the fridge.  I wonder if I can get that to go over well with the family.  Seriously, have you ever tried to make all the leftovers fit in your refrigerator after you've had a meal for anywhere from 12-15 or more people?  Ziplock becomes a really good friend; mashed potatoes go well in one, and you can flatten the bag to stack more on top.  :)

     So, for the first time in a long time, I have not planned anything for when Stefani comes down for a visit.  Just lots of cooking and baking.  It's going to be great having both my girls in the kitchen with me and Jesse, although we're going to have to learn to dance to stay out of each other's way; my kitchen is not that big.  Or shifts, we can do things in shifts...hmmm, I like that idea.  So calories be darned....not counting them until after January (or at least I'm not counting when no one is shhhhhh..don't tell).




Thursday, December 16, 2010

That's how I roll.

     Get it?  Roll? (as in rolling pin?)  Hehehe, I know, not very original;.  In case I didn't know that, I have teenagers to roll their eyes for me when I say things like that.  Kinda clues me in; but that's alright.  If, however, you need more like that..I'm your girl.

     Today started out great.  Got to see Jesse before he went to work, and then make a double batch of cream puffs for mom.  Think they turned out pretty least that's what they tell me.  Personally, I don't like the taste of them.  I'm more a salt lick person.  (for those that don't know what a salt lick is, it's put out for cattle to give them additional nutrients not otherwise found in hay, grass, and feed).

     I was thinking tonight (yes, that does happen once in a while, although my head really hurts and I may have decided what to do for folks for Christmas.  The way I look at it, Christmas - as in Jesus' birth - was a gift to us from God.  He gave of himself.  Now we know I'm not God..although sometimes Jesse refers to me as a 'princess' (hehe), but I would like to give of myself to my friends and family.  The only way I know how to do that is through cooking.

     When I cook, I try and pour all the love and feelings I have into the food.  (I really am not trying for the puns, I'm just that good ;}  I'm kidding)   Most times, that's a good thing.  Every once in a while, it's really bad, as in eeewwwww gross.  What I'm proposing is to try and find what food/dessert/meal makes people feel good or makes them think about happy times in their life, and try to recreate them.  This being said, I hope people know this is not going to happen all before Christmas.  Think I'm going to make that 'Christmas feeling' last for a long time.  No Jesse and Ellanna, this does not mean I am going to be singing Christmas carols for the next 6 months; although, I really do like the song "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas".

     I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia.  I could not imagine taking a year and cooking my way through a Julia Child's cookbook.  I suppose that's because for the most part, if I don't like the taste of something, or it's not pretty, I really have no desire to cook it.  Not to say I won't if I know other people enjoy it.  I love to see people eat.

     Makes me think that is why I was so effected the first night I served at 'I Am Hope Cafe'.  This is a place that is open a couple nights a week, and one morning to give those that need it a hot meal and a place to get a shower and clean clothes.  I got to meet so many new people, and was able to not just serve them, but sit and talk/laugh with them.  I want to share one snippet of conversation that happened that night, but you need a little background first..when I found out I was going to be going, I was told that Metropolitan Ministries provides the hot meal, but they do not provide the bread or dessert.  Mom was telling me that usually when it's one of Baylife's nights, the baking team at church makes desserts for the cafe.  So, I asked if I could make some, and made some brownies and chocolate chip cookies.  When we get there to set up, we usually put out the condiments on the tables, and we put a dessert at each place setting.  When the guests come in, they only have to sit at an empty place setting and we serve/wait on them.

     Now back to the conversation.  As I was saying, I was serving a mother and her daughter.  She was adorable, and probably about 4 or 5 years old.  As most little ones do, she was eyeing her dessert (which for her was a piece of frosted spice cake) and was not really too interested in eating her meal.  As I was listening to mom try and convince her to eat, I saw her looking and asked her if she would like a plate with a brownie and cookies instead of the cake.  Now, grab your tissue here, because her response was to turn to her mom and ask " Mom, what's a brownie?"  I wanted to cry right then and there, but had to choke it back while mom explained about the brownie, and I went to get her one.  Needless to say, in her snack to take with her (which the cafe tries to provide everyone that comes with a little something they can take with them, since they cannot take the hot food to go..strict rules about that) she had a couple extra brownies and cookies.

     On the way home, that little snapshot of time kept running though my head.  Can you imagine your son/daughter/niece/nephew asking that question?  Something so simple as a brownie you wouldn't think twice about it.

     Just makes you think, doesn't it?



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Your coffee looks like chocolate milk

     Well, that's the quote of the day from my husband, Jesse.  He says this as he eats nasty store-bought cookies.  As if my kitchen hasn't looked like the Keebler elves had a food fight for the last week or so.   Let me start at the beginning, or last a few months ago.  Things might begin to make more sense.

     It started the end of August.  Since I couldn't seem to leave my current job, where I had been for the last 9+ years,  God saw fit to move me.  So here I am looking for a new job, career, whatever you want to call it.  At first I was devastated, but now I see what a blessing it really was. (I wasn't happy there for the last few years, just couldn't step out of my comfort zone).

     Since then, amid the hundreds of applications, resume uploads, ect...I've had plenty of time to figure out what I want to do with myself.  Like many wise people told me..I am now free to choose my path.  I don't have to stay in the medical field (20 years is a long time); I can do anything I want.

     This has given me time to pursue my passion..COOKING/BAKING!  So that brings me up to date..sort of.  For the last couple of months, I have been able to cook for someone who just had surgery; discover a whole new world of serving with 'I Am Hope Cafe' and Metropolitan Ministries; and subject my family and friends to lots of taste-testing.

     Now back to tonight.  I've been asked to make dessert for a group at church (well, group meaning mom-in-law and her, and honestly, I am preening like a peacock.  I just finished with a week-long project of baking goodies for my brother-in-law's Christmas program at Baylife.  The grand total from that was 3 batches of spritz cookies, 4 batches of brownie bites, 2 batches of coconut macaroons, 3 bread bowls with spinach dip, 2 batches of mexican wedding cookies, and a cream cheese pound cake (after saying that a few times, almost want to end it with 'and a partridge in a pear tree', haha).  Added to that were the *cough* *cough* store-bought things like Chex mix (hey, it was the cocoa mix. What can I say, I'm a sucker for mini marshmallows).  This is why my kitchen should be entered for some sort of disaster relief clean-up efforts.  Any volunteers?

     Since this is my first blog, and it seems to be all over the place, I'll end it here for the night.  Who knows...if you're nice, I might even share a recipe or two.

     Have a blessed night!