Ok, ok...before you get all excited...I know you don't 'punt' in baseball. The proper term would be 'bunt'. Admit it though, made you stop and think for a second, then smile.
Well, my curve ball came in the form of an earthquake and tsunami in Japan. First, stop and pray for that country and it's people. They are an AMAZING group of people.
Since that has happened, we had to cancel our vacation to the Kyoto region in Japan for next week. Thankfully, God has been with us this whole time. Originally, Jesse and I were going to be there at the time the earthquake hit, but we moved it because the of the cherry blossom festival for that region. Then, 10 days before we were to leave it happened.
In the meantime, we have been blessed to get all of our monies paid in hotel fees, airport taxes and rail passes refunded. We even got ALL of our sky miles back for the plane tickets. That being said, we have changed our vacation plans.
We are now going on a cruise through the southern Caribbean for 11 days/10 nights. I'm thinking maybe I should forewarn some of my clients I might want to try some new recipes out on them. Nah, I'll subject my family to those first...wouldn't want to give my clients a wrong impression. (hehe)
Be looking forward to some fantastic pictures of beautiful places and food! Can't wait to see what God has in store for us next.
So, until I get back...happy eating!!!!
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